Sunday, March 25, 2007

Things I want to rant about but don't have time...

1.) Apparently, some kids/teens are being given Aderall for weightloss. I just don't know where to begin on this one....

2.) The Supreme Court recently heard the "Bong Hits for Jesus" case... This is a free speech case involving a high school student. God, this is why I love high school kids so much... I miss the good ol' days at North Meck, protesting Operation Save America and stirring up trouble with the student newspaper.....

3.) I think what disturbs me most is the story of the city manager who was terminated because of his plans to get a sex change. This person has been severely wronged by the community he served diligently for some thirteen years. I think he has a sex discrimination case. Generally, the courts hold that "gender" discrimination is not protected under Title VII. This means that it is perfectly fine for an employer to fire a guy who is acting feminine or has an earring. BUT, in this case, the guy is being discriminated against because if his desire and intent to actually change sexes. He is not just identifying as a woman (gender), he is becoming a woman (sex). I think he has a case, and even if the courts reject that theory, it will be worth the fight. If he needs a lawyer, he should call me in a year....


Anonymous said...

Aww that's so sweet you miss us and all the fun we had protesting things.

I just miss having some say in things, people here protest too much. To the point that no one cares when the issue really does matter. Or people do stupid things like building a wall on the quad to protest building a wall between Israel and Palestine.

Heather said...

hey if you get the sex change case, i want a kickback or commission! i'm the one who told you about it. :)

Unknown said...

um, I think it was the "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" case--not that I would care if I were taking bong hits of course. And where is my em dash with the double short dash? What a jip!!