From a recent CNN article: The Supreme Court also refused to consider whether a Texas law making it a crime to promote sex toys shaped like sexual organs is unconstitutional. An adult bookstore employee in El Paso, Texas, sued the state after his arrest for showing two undercover officers a device shaped like a penis and telling the female officer the device would arouse and gratify her. The employee argued the law violates the right to sexual privacy.
Now, several questions emerge in my mind:

1) A man was seriously ARRESTED for promoting a vibrator?!?!?! Thank goodness I live in the state of FLorida where I can poudly encourage every woman who reads this to go buy The Rabbit. I can promise that you will be aroused and gratified. Repeatedly.
2) Are we supposed to be offended that he told the female officer that the device would arouse and gratify her? Dude was tryin' to help a girl out. God forbid we talk about female sexuality. God forbit we promote female sexual gratification.

3) Were the police really staking out a bookstore to catch dude promoting a sex toy shaped like a penis?!?!?! I am so glad that the police have eradicated El Paso of crime to the extent that the cops have nothing to do but bust people selling vibrators. Citizens of Texas, your tax dollars at work....
4) sex toys are ok as long as they are not shaped like sex organs? I mean, sure, the penis is not that attractive, I'll admit, but this seems ridiculous. So, would it be ok to promote a green sex toy that is shaped like a gint, vibrating cucumber or a baseball bat? Is that less offensive?
I m truly in shock, America. In shock.
bravo ms coles! hmm... i do like produce... ;)
you know, now that i give it some more thought im going to assume that men's own insecurities are behind all of this nonsense. i mean, really when is the last time you saw or experienced any male body part that could compete with the rabbit or those crazy whirling beads??? hmmm??? i think men, especially those in law enforcement are just acting out because they're afraid of being replaced in bed.
I agree.... men with tiny penises are just afraid of my sweet love for Mr. Dependable. And rightly so. I would rather soend five minutes with Mr. Dependable then an hour with (*insert asshole of the week's name here*).... lol.... sadly, Mr. Dependable is not a very good cuddler...I guess we may still need men after all....
but you have a puppy! he likes to cuddle, kinda ;)
men (especially those in law enforcement) are just acting out because they are afraid of being replaced in bed????? wasnt it a woman cop who arrested the guy. or was the idiot trying to sell a dildo to a male texas police officer. maybee it was some broke back mountian thing. men (especially those in uniform) have it thrown at them every day. its simple economics, supply and demand, belive it or not the supply is much higher than the demand. maybe the lady cop was just pissed off at anything that looks like a penis because maybee SHE was envious. or may she was just poping a scumbag with every charge she could because she knew most of it would get pleabarganed and dismissed once it got to court anyway. is the law rediculious? YES. Is reading something on the news and internet and automaticly assuming that officers are acting out of penis envy and their personal intrest rather than doing what they were sworn to do? YES.
lol... it was a funny comment, ourely in jest, I am sure.... We love men and like to joke... Heather and I are very aware that the cops are just doing their jobs and that ultimately, those higher up the legal foodchain are to blame for Texas' silly dildo laws.As for penis envy, I doubt it. Women dont have penis envy. Penises are icky. I certainly dont want one. I prefer in-door plumbing. I ouldnt begrudge a woman from envying the social status that comes with a penis though - no glass ceiling, the up-side of the sexual doublestandard, no pregnancy discrimination, get to pee standing up, free membership to the good ol boys club....
the "anonymous" comment just plain sucks.
one of the goals of your administration could be to get rid of all the silly anti-dildo laws.
shouldn't that make it onto the agenda?
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