Tuesday, September 19, 2006

ROcK yOu LikE A HuRRicAnE

My dreams have FINALLY come true!!!
Miriam Rebekkah - today is your day:

Tropical Depression MIRIAM!!!!

YES!!! Now granted, it's not the awe-inspiring, category 5 storm I was hoping for, but it'll do. Finally, the national weather service got it right!!! Just think, Yesterday I was just this sad little white girl from the south with this wierd, strangely Jewish sounding, grandma name, who could never find a tacky key chain with her name on it.... and now, I am a tropical depression. Where do I go from here?!?!?! I mean I really think the presidency is the only thing that could top this one.... :)


Anonymous said...

I have to agree, first tropical depression then the white house that is the only natural step up.

By the way apparently I am running the Western North Carolina region of your campaign, what exactly does that involve?

Anonymous said...

You've got my vote... but only because you're good looking!!! That bleading heart of yours will be good at giving away borowed money (national debt)to the indigent and Not so well to do!!!

I'll support a social program if it ACTUALLY helps people!!!