Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Let's Do IT! But first, sign here....

Below is a Consensual Sex Contract prepared by the National Center for Men, a New York organization dedicated to the "fight for men's equal rights." It is intended, according to the organization, to provide "proof of a couple's intent to have sex and may protect a man against a woman's false accusations..."
AGREEMENT BEFORE LOVEMAKING entered into by ________________ and ______________, this _____ day of ______, 199_.
WHEREAS, the parties to this agreement want to be sexually intimate, but also want to avoid misunderstandings that sometimes occur after sex,
Now, THEREFORE, the parties enter into the following agreements (check one declaration from each pair):
___ We want to have a relationship that may lead to sexual intercourse.___ We want to have sex without intercourse.
___ We want to have sex as a way of expressing an emotional commitment that may eventually lead to marriage.____ We want to have a sexual relationship but we're not ready for marriage.
___ We want our relationship to be monogamous.___ We both want the freedom to see other people.
___ We want to have sex in order to conceive a child.___ We're not ready to be parents now. If an unplanned pregnancy occurs, neither one of us will try to force the other into parenthood.
___ We want our sexual encounter to be discreet.____ We want the whole world to know about our love for each other.
Neither of us may claim to be the victim of sexual harassment or assault as a result of the acts which are the subject of this agreement. By signing this contract, we acknowledge that the anticipated sexual experience will be of mutual consent.

I came across this after reading an interesting article in Times about when rape occurs and whether or not a woman can legally say "no" after intercourse begins. Apparently, in some states, the crime of rape occurs at penetration; therefore, once a woman has given her consent for that act, it is no longer rape, even if she says no later on. A one court stated: “The initial de-flowering of the woman is the real harm.” Hmmm… if that’s true then only virgins can be raped? The court went on to state that "It was the act of penetration that was the essence of the crime of rape . . . . any further injury was considered to be less consequential. The damage was done."


Anonymous said...

Tricky logistics. Thank you Roche.

Heather said...

Im going to send this video to our abstinence program coordinator

Anonymous said...

That video is hilarious. :)