Well, here I am posting when I should be writing the most important paper of my academic career - my appellate brief on
Apparently, a
California lawyer is suing e-harmony for discrimination because the site will not allow him to register and get a date until his divorce is final. He says this violates a California status that prohibits discrimination based on marital status.

Did I mention that he is suing for like 12,000 dollars? He was apparently very upset by this whole traumatic ordeal.... Personally, I think he needs to find something real to complain about. How about the fact that when you go to the
e-Harmony starter webpage, you can only choose man seeking woman or woman seeking man. This sounds like discrimination based on sexual orientation and I for one have a much bigger problem with this kind of discrimination than with the website trying to respect both parties in a marriage. I wonder if dude's marital problems originated with him screwing around on his wife in the first place??? Men.... *rolling my eyes*.... Worse yet, male lawyers..... Why don't you find some real discrimination to bitch about....
yeah, i noticed the hetrosexuals only sentiment on eharmony a while back... i wonder why no one has made a claim yet? that sounds like a good job for a certain promising (not to mention sexy) young 1L.
the thing is I believe the founder started e-harmany specifically for christians (good god fearing people that bear fruit and multiply), now that e-harmany has expanded to the non-christian community it is time for it to leave its bias behavior behind
I don't even think it matters for some things if it was founded by christians. For example, if the California statute does say that you cannot discriminate based on "marital status" then he has a case (dumb as it may be.) Just like E-Harmoney could not lawfully disciminate based on race.
Don't religious institutions discriminate all the time? I know a young couple who were thrown out of their church for having a baby out of wedlock. More to the point, there are dating services that are specifically for the gay community, black community and so on. So if one sticks to heterosexuals is that illegal?-I actually agree that the company are being jerks about the situation, loosing business too
I think its ok to discriminate if yo uare just a church. But, if you are engaged in "interstate commerce" then you have to abide by federal antidiscrimination law. As for blck only dating services, they might not be legal either.... the question is, do they actually kick someone off for being white? But, I have not had con law 2 yet, so my thoughts on this could be different after next semester... :)
Question: This is completely my ignorance, but does the internet count as "interstate commerce"? I remember discussing this with someone recently about how the internet challenges some of these definitions, but I can't remember what was decided.
By the way, thanks for updating the blog! I turn my back for a few days and you post a kajillion posts. You should always have a brief/oral argument pending so you write more.
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