Why do (we) women let men determine how we feel about ourselves??? Compare the number of crying drunk girls you’ve seen to crying drunk guys. I blame society, television, our mothers and our peers. Ladies, we spend too much time worrying over men, wondering why they don’t like us, trying to be beautiful so they will want us, crying because we feel rejected, getting back together with men who cheat on us because we need to feel wanted, trying to get their attention so we can feel pretty and wallowing because we feel lonely. If we took all that energy and focused it on kickin’ ass in our academic and professional pursuits, imagine how much more we could accomplish. Children’s fairy tales and
The moral of this story? We must stop allowing men to dictate how we feel about ourselves!!!! They should not have the power to make us feel pretty, or happy or sad.
Ladies, we have to concentrate on us. We have to look out for number one. A little egocentrism might not be such a bad thing after all… Guard your hearts, focus on your careers, goals, hopes and dreams…. Don’t let men hurt you – they aren’t worth your time or energy. Take care of yourself above all others and don’t worry about being nice or liked. Who fucking cares what someone else thinks about you. All that matters is what YOU think about YOU.
you're the greatest! i heart you. thanks for being there for me, 300 miles away.
<3 bff
Hell yeah
Can I link this from my blog?
Hi Miriam. Strong women rock! I am drawn to strong women, my best friend is the strongest chic I've ever known. I have awesome girl friends, strong, yet caring, bright, yet not condescending. So why can't I find boys like that, I don't know. I can relate to everything you said. Nice job.
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