Friday, September 16, 2005

The gevernator is a big ol' chode...

Ok, two short rants and then it’s off to bed for me.

1.) Plan B – the FDA claims they will not allow Plan B, the morning after pill, to be sold over the counter because then minors might buy it. Hmmm…. Gonna call a big bullshit on that one. Alcohol is sold over the counter and no one seems to think regulating it is a problem. You take your plan B to the register, it’s scanned, it beeps and you have to show your ID. Could it be that W’s ultra-religious, fundamentalist cronies have bought out the FDA? I mean, I for one am a pretty moderate liberal when it comes to abortion…. I think it should be severely limited, but even I can see the benefits of the morning after pill. The need for later term abortions would dramatically decrease, and isn’t that what the pro-lifers are after??? I mean, baby steps, people… But you know what I really think is driving this?? The pharmaceutical and medical industry. Plan B is basically a whole pack of birth control taken at once. This means, if it’s safe enough to sell Plan B over the counter, then logically, we could sell birth control pills over the counter. And damn, would pharmaceutical companies and doctor’s offices be out a shitload of money. So, my theory is the medical-industrial complex bought the FDA off. That’s my story, and I’m stickin to it…. J

2.) There is no such thing as activist judges. What we do have is both courts and legislatures who are so afraid to make an unpopular decision that they continually hand the responsibility off to each other. This way, when the shit hits the political fan, they can point their fingers and cry “outrage!!!... Look what those awful, liberal/conservative judges/politicians have done now!!”

Example: The California legislature has just passed a bill allowing gay marriage. What does the governator have to say about this? He thinks the issue of gay marriage should be decided in the courts. Am I hearing this right?! Just months after the Terri Shivo fiasco, a conservative republic says an issue like gay marriage should be decided by “activist judges”?! I think the governator is a big ol’ chode*…. He doesn’t want to get stuck with the backlash from either side of this issue. So, he wants to hand-off to the courts… that way, when they decide the law should be upheld, he and all his conservative colleagues can cry “outrage!!!”

Let us not think that the legislature is alone in this. Having only been in law school a few weeks, I have already read a number of judicial opinions in which the court hands-off to the legislature. My question is, if no one is willing to step up to the plate, for fear they will be dubbed “activists” or something worse, who is going to step up and implement change???

*in protest to the usage of the term “pussy” which is a derogatory, and sexist insult to women (notice it is the only slur that is a female term used by males to insult other males, insinuating that they are weak like women) I have decided to replace this term with “chode” – the skin between a man’s balls and asshole. Every time the term “pussy” could be used, I will inset this more fitting, gender appropriate term. If we all ban together on this, we could start a linguistic revolution….


Heather said...

my, what a very pink blog you have dear.

Madam Mim said...

isnt it beautiful? don't you feel full of femanistic inspiration when you read it??